Saturday, January 29, 2011

Eating Gluten-Free Important Tips, must read

The Gluten-Free Nutrition Guide
by Tricia Thompson, M.S., RD  
ISBN: 978-0-07-154541-9

Grains that can be eaten on a Gluten-Free Diet (p.8)
  • Rice
  • Corn
  • Sorghum
  • Millet
  • Teff
  • Wild rice
Gluten-Free Oats (p.23)
At least five manufacturers in North America (Gluten Free Oats, Cream Hill Estates, Gifts of Nature, Bob's Red Mill, and Only Oats) produce gluten-free oats as determined through independent testing conducted by the Gluten Free Certification Organization and the Food Allergy Research and Resource Program. These manufacturers are doing this through carefully monitored growing, harvesting, and processing procedures. Fro more information on these oat companies, see their websites:,,,, and

Wheat Ingredients in USDA-Regulated Foods (p.31-31)
If the food label of a USDA-regulated product includes any of the following ingredients, the food product contains wheat:
  • Flour (unless, of course, the word flour is preceded by a descriptor such as corn, rice, or buckwheat)
  • White flour
  • Plain flour
  • Enriched flour
  • Phosphated flour
  • Self-rising flour
  • Graham flour
  • Durum flour
  • Farina
  • Semolina
In addition, the following ingredients may be made from wheat starch or wheat starch hydrolysates (wheat starch that has been partially broken down):
  • Modified food starch
  • Dextrin
  • Maltrodextrin
  • Caramel
  • Glucose syrup
Barley Ingredients (p.33-34)
Some terms may be used on a food label in place of the word barley. If the label includes any of the following ingredients, the food contains barley unless the label states otherwise:
  • Malt
  • Malt syrup
  • Malt extract
  • Malt flavoring
Also, if an FDA-regulated food product contains the ingredients "natural flavor" or "caramel," there is a very small chance that those ingredients might be sources of barley. Also, there is a very small chance that if a USDA-regulated food product contains the ingredient "caramel," it might be a source of barley. It is important to note, however, that while malt may be used as a flavoring agent, it will most likely be listed as "malt flavoring" in the ingredient list and not included under the collective term flavoring. Caramel usually is not made from malt syrup; it is most likely made from corn.

Rye Ingredients
While FALCPA does not include rye, it is likely to be named in an ingredient list. It is possible that rye could be a "hidden" ingredient in a natural flavor of an FDA-regulated food. However, foods that would typically include rye flavoring (for example, bread products) are likely to be gluten-containing food that you wouldn't be eating anyway.

Oat Ingredients
Products containing oats as an ingredients should not be eaten unless the product is from one of the manufacturers producing gluten-free oats.

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